In Memory of
Phyllis Elizabeth Youden
October 9, 2014
Death Notice of Phyllis Elizabeth Youden
"We announce her passing with great sadness". In Durham Hospital on Thursday October 9, 2014. Phyllis (nee MacDonald) of R.R. #3, Durham, age 72 years. Loving companion of Joseph Penney of R.R. #3, Durham. Loved mother of Margaret (Kevin) Hoecke of Toronto, Raymond Youden of Toronto, Donna (Terry) Youden of Etobicoke and Terry Lee (Dave) Rigg of Huntsville. Survived by 9 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Dear sister of Becky and Vincent MacDonald of Nova Scotia.
As of July 15, 2016 the Fawcett-McEachern Funeral Home and Cremation Centre was purchased by McCulloch-Watson Funeral Home. To honour the families served by Allyson McEachern the death notices from Fawcett-McEachern Funeral Home are being kept on our website.